Department of Communication, Media, and Performance - Classroom Visit Request

The Faculty of the Department are very pleased that you are interested in visiting one of our classes. In order to accommodate your request, please answer the following questions below.

Thank you.

Mailing Address
Mailing Address
I am available to visit a class on the following days/times: (Please check all that apply)
I am available to visit a class on the following days/times: (Please check all that apply)
If possible, I would like to attend a class in the area of: (You may check more than one option, or leave blank if you do not have a preference)
If possible, I would like to attend a class in the area of: (You may check more than one option, or leave blank if you do not have a preference)
I am interested in participating in a campus tour during my visit:
I am interested in participating in a campus tour during my visit:
Once your request has been received, you will be contacted shortly by the Chair of the Communication, Media, and Performance Department, who will help you to arrange the details of your visit. We look forward to meeting you!